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I Feel So Much Lighter


This past weekend was so lovely, Luke booked off some holiday days starting on the Friday, and although I had work during the day, it then enabled us to go out for dinner that evening. His mum had come to visit him and the girls during the day, and stayed on into the evening so that we could get this time together.

It was so good. We got a little dressed up, we held hands, we had some beautiful food, we talked about anything and everything, we laughed a lot and completely reconnected. It is crazy how much you can gain from spending a little bit of time away from the responsibilities of the house and children. It makes all the difference and I’m so grateful that we had the opportunity to do it so quickly after I expressed that it was what I was craving.

Following on from then, we had two glorious days all together as a family. This may not sound like anything to get excited about, but we never get two days consecutively together. It is hopefully closer to what we will have in the not so distant future, but for now it is a treat and that is how it felt.

It freed us up to get bits and pieces done around the house that we wouldn’t usually do when together in fear of wasting the little time we had.

One big thing that we did was write a (very extensive) list of everything we needed to do, all the admin jobs, all the messages and phone calls we needed to make, jobs around the house, things to do with our cars etc so that we could see it all written down, and then start ticking them off. God knows I love a list. Getting everything written down alone made me feel lighter, then when we started completing some of them I felt even better.

We are getting a new bathroom fitted in 2 weeks time, so we needed to contact our plumber with some questions as well as purchase all of the items for it. We are now awaiting his confirmation before we click pay.

Aurora’s school placement and application has been worrying me because we won’t have moved by the point of applying, and I didn’t want this to jeopardise her chances of getting in to the Primary Schools that we have chosen, but I emailed Somerset Council, read as much as I could online and this morning I had a really helpful email back from them, along with my mum calling me with information she had received from her contact at West Berks admissions. Now I feel a lot calmer, and also ok with the worst case scenario of going on a waitlist or going to a different school. I don’t think it will come to that though. I’m manifesting, and when I asked Aurora what colour jumper she would wear to 'big' school, she said red – which is the colour of my first choice, so I feel as though she is manifesting this as well! I got her booked in for 2 school visits over the next few weeks, so feel more confident about that too.

We are going to arrange a call with our financial advisor to start discussing our house move, and get some advice from him on a few things, so all our other 'moving' related points will lead on from that.

As well as getting a date night with Luke, and 2 extra bonus days with him, I also managed to go out for dinner with my friend Kyle. I met him straight from work, which worked really well for both of us and meant I could get back home at a decent time and still have most of the evening with Luke. Because of that, it meant that I didn’t see the girls all day and they were asleep when I got in. But missing out on doing bed time every now and again is actually invaluable. After doing so many of them, and the majority of them on my own, it is so nice every so often to have a break from it!

Sunday evening we took the girls to their first ever fireworks night. We drove 20 minutes to Martock, spent almost 45 minutes trying to find somewhere to park, getting blocked in, trapped, driving on pavements, honestly I’ve never experienced anything like it! We eventually managed to find somewhere and bundled every body out of the car and in to their coats and hats etc.

Luna insisted on walking, luckily we had bought the reins as we thought she probably would want to. Aurora on the flipside wanted to be carried. She was so excited to be out at night time! She has legitimately been out after dark about 4 times in her life, 2 of those were for weddings and the other 2 were when I had to take her to the doctors at 10pm.

She found it fascinating! They were both so good, there was no complaining, they loved the fireworks when they started and the whole thing made me feel really emotional. It’s these little moments that I never consciously imagined happening once we had children, but when they do happen, I realise that I’ve been looking forward to them forever. I find fireworks so special and always love getting to see them with Luke, cuddled together smiling at the sky. Working in hospitality we haven’t had as many chances to go in recent years, or if I have, he has still had to work. I loved it.

Luna was staring at them in bewilderment. I don’t think she’s even really seen many through a window, so I’m pleased that she didn’t cry and seemed to like them. Aurora loved them but said that the really big ones were too loud. I tried to encourage her by telling her that I loved the white ones and the sparkly tails and she said her favourite were the red ones. The finale was quite honestly the best one I have ever seen, there were so many fireworks going off at the same time it was almost too much. Absolutely incredible, and the whole thing was free! There is no entry fee! As soon as the last firework exploded, we were speeding back towards the car to try and get out before the masses. Obviously a lot of people had the same idea so it did take a little while of standstill traffic, but the girls fell asleep pretty quickly, and then we managed to transfer them once home, thankfully.

While Luke was off, we managed to binge the Netflix series Bodies. I highly recommend it if you haven’t already seen it. It’s such an interesting topic and I find it fascinating, but also have so many questions that it ends up hurting my head!

Aurora and I made lots of birthday cards at the beginning of the week as November is another very busy month for our friends and families birthdays. We also started making some Christmas decorations and hopefully next week can start making our Christmas cards. Although from the designs that I have picked, I may make those on my own.

We got some of the Christmas bits down from the loft as well. The pyjamas and festive jumpers so that I could get them washed and ready. All the Christmas related books that I had put up there, so that they were more special and not just read all year round.

We also bought the girls some new (Christmas) pyjamas at the weekend, as they are both in need of some new ones, and the festive ones were sweet. Luna has the red set with reindeer on, and Aurora picked the blue pair with Father Christmas on. The are officially boys PJ’s, but there’s no reason for that to stop her. I would happily wear men’s PJ’s over women’s any day, and I don’t want her to ever think that she can’t have something because it is ‘for boys’.

They both wore them that night, and every night since. I'm so glad they seem to love Christmas as much as Luke and I do.



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