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Bringing The Good Vibes Back

Updated: May 4, 2023

I feel like I need to bring some of my usual positivity back, after last week’s blog post. I’m glad I posted it, it relieved the feelings of stress created, as well as reassured others going through the same thing. The messages I received afterwards proved that a) I am in no way alone in feeling like that and b) it will pass. Thank goodness.

SO. What are your favourite things about motherhood?

Mine are;

I am now part of a club, where you only ever talk about your children. Someone at work asked me how I was the other day and I answered by saying how the girls were… I’m not even answering for myself anymore! Also, you end up sharing information that the other person probably doesn’t care about… do they want to hear that Aurora had a temperature and Luna has had 2 back-to-back colds? Probably not. But I’m telling them anyway as I literally can’t think of a single other thing I have done in the 2 days since I was last at work that is worth mentioning.

That’s not true actually. Luke surprised us by taking the day off on Sunday, so we had a lovely lazy morning filled with pancakes and coffee, and then went out for a roast, with the girls, to a lovely pub near us. We have never done this so it was really quite special. The girls were so good, we all managed to eat all of our food, while it was hot, and even had a glass of wine! The couple on the table next to us commented on how good the girls were too which was lovely.

Another favourite thing of mine is that I now find it easier talking to people I don’t know, if they too have children. It’s like when dog walkers talk to each other, simply because they both have dogs. I can strike up conversations with other parents a lot more easily now, as you only have to mention sleepless nights, or temper tantrums, and suddenly the flood gates open and 2 minutes later you are sharing your worst poo stories. It’s a level I never realised I would get to, especially being as prudish as I am!

I love looking at the girls and realising how absolutely incredible it is that Luke and I created them. Looking at all the intricate parts of them like the inside of their ears, or deep into their eyes and just thinking, wow… we made you. Last night, while I bathed them, I was making them laugh and when they both looked at me, I could see two sets of my own eyes staring back. It was strange but so lovely. I haven’t been able to see much of myself in either of them, so it was a wonderful surprise


I love it when I am truly needed. Luna has just started saying ‘Mama’ and likes to put it to use whenever she wakes during the night, or if Luke attempts to comfort her (this is a new phase and I hope it doesn’t last too long) and with Aurora, she definitely ‘wants’ Daddy all the time, but if she ever hurts herself, or gets upset, or anything, it’s me she comes to, and I do love that.

I love it most when they are asleep. Because they are not awake… Haha. Their innocent little faces, their heavy breathing, their hair all over the place, especially Aurora, she looks like Bam Bam every morning!

I love the unit that we have become. I have team mates forever. I am so excited to grow as a family, and experience everything together. The holidays we will go on, the countries we will visit. But also the really normal things like playing in the garden, doing homework, having movie nights. I got really excited the other day thinking about having a whatsapp group with the 4 of us in. It seems so far in the future, but I know that the time will fly by in seconds. It’s already going so fast and each year just seems to get quicker.

How is Luna going to be 1 next month? Where has that gone?!

Yesterday Luna stood holding on to our chair, let go and stood for a few seconds, and then launched herself towards me. Whether this was her attempt at taking her first independent step, or just a sudden realisation that she had mistakenly let go of her support, it felt pretty monumental. I don’t know if this is just me, but I’m subconsciously wanting Luna to reach all of her milestones quicker than Aurora, like it’s a secret race that only I am aware of. I did it with Aurora, but compared her to myself. I wanted her to take her first steps before the age I had been (she didn’t…) I want her to ride a bike properly before the age I had, and now I’m wanting Luna to do it even faster than that. I’m not saying any of this out loud so I don’t think I’ll be encouraging any rivalry or competitive nature between them, just wondered if anyone else is doing the same?

I’m really excited to head back to Newbury this weekend, catching up with lots of friends, and getting together with my whole family (apart from Luke, who obviously will be working) to celebrate my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. What an achievement!

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