The beginning of the rest of our lives. My little best friend of 3 years, has gone off to Pre-School today.
Sure I have had days without her before, but she has only ever been with close family members, so this feels particularly strange. I hope she meets nice people. I hope they are kind to her. I hope she is kind to them. I hope she doesn't feel scared, or lonely. I hope she doesn’t miss me.. although I also hope that she does..
3 years of spending almost all of our days together, means this is a big change for us both. BUT it also means that for the first time in almost 9 months… I get a little bit of solo time with Luna, as we haven’t had the privilege of that! So Thursday afternoons will now be ours <3
I’m also going back to work, doing 2 days again, in the lovely Farm Shop restaurant, next week. It will be so nice to get that routine back, and talk to actual adults, about adult things. Also to be able to work, while NOT pregnant! Because I haven’t done that in almost 4 years! Gosh.
It’s been one hour now, and I’m already getting used to it. I felt a slight pang as Aurora walked in, holding hands with a lady who I have never met before. I really feel like I am putting all of my trust, the biggest responsibility imaginable, in these complete strangers, to take care of one of the two most valuable things in my life. But I know that she will love it, and she is so eager to learn new things. It’s just strange to think that I will never spend as much time with her, as I have done these past three years, ever again! And the same with Luna, poor Luna, she will get even less of me. But she will have some lovely days with Daddy and Grandma.
I vow to make the most of this time though and not just let the sofa swallow me up while I watch bad TV and drink too much tea. Unless that is particularly what I need one day. I want to be proactive. I want to soak up every little waking moment with Luna. I want to enjoy it all, as I know that in the blink of an eye, they will both be at big school and I will miss these days.
Right then, lets get to it!
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