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10 Points If Your Husband Gets His Washing In The Washing Basket


Updated: May 4, 2023

Finally, after what felt like a long week of Aurora being poorly, as well as it taking a downhill turn resulting in a late night trip to Out of Hours doctors on Thursday, she woke up Friday morning good as new! Thank goodness.

We had a quiet weekend just in case the illness reared its ugly head again – playing games, building towers, and colouring, all my favourite activities…!

I have somehow managed to convince Aurora that housework is fun, and now use her as my motivation to get me doing it. I asked her at the weekend if she wanted to carry on watching The Lion King or clean the bathroom (obviously hoping that she said Lion King, and then I wouldn’t feel guilty because it was her decision) and she chose the bathroom! She then cried because I wouldn’t let her use the toilet brush, which I have assured her I will be reminding her of when she is a teenager!

It has really come to my attention this week, that being a parent is primarily making up a bunch of ‘rules’ and then getting frustrated when no one follows them. The expectation that we put on our children to follow our random commands and routines, which we may or may not have even informed them about, is quite funny when you really think about it. I don’t know why I have really focused on it this week, but it has seemed more obvious than normal. I am a mini dictator, building my own mini empire, with my own laws, and to keep me happy, the girls, and Luke, must obey. Weird.

I guess it’s in every aspect of life though. Companies have their procedures. Festive celebrations have their traditions. Sports have their rules.

I have been in managerial positions where I have helped set the processes and procedures, and then got a little kick when I hear someone that I have trained, training someone else, with my words. It’s the same at home. The girls will grow up, living the way that Luke and I are demonstrating. Well, until they get to the rebellious teen years, which I am terrified about. I don’t think I’m mentally or emotionally stable enough to handle two teenage girls. Especially if they are anything like I was. I’ll need back up. And wine.

I was talking to my sister-in-law about it yesterday, and we realised it stretches further than just being a parent. It’s in your relationship as well. You both have expectations of how the other person should live/behave/act, and when they don’t, it doesn’t match your standard and it can be hard to understand. But in saying that, it goes both ways, so you may not be completely living to your partners standard either. Without constant communication and understanding you can see how resentments can build.

I am very lucky that Luke is so easy to live with. He’s never at home. I joke, but he really is great. We are still carrying out some basic training, he has completed the first few levels over the past 10 years, and we have now reached the dizzy heights of;

1) Getting dirty cups IN the dishwasher, instead of next to it

2) Getting dirty washing IN the washing basket, instead of next to it

But compared to some husbands, I know that this is a high level to achieve, and to some it may seem completely unrealistic. I have faith.

On Monday I was incredibly sick for 24 hours, potentially a version of Aurora’s bug, I don’t know, but I had to go home from work. On my way TO work, just as I was about to come off the slip road, I hit something in the road that looked like fabric, but was quite clearly a piece of metal from a car. It made a horrific noise, but as I didn’t notice any immediate effects, thought that it was nothing to worry about. As I was then leaving work, after only being there for an hour or so, I attempted to reverse my car out of the space and realised that the front tyre was completely flat. So clearly whatever I had hit, had in fact done some damage.

In between episodes of being ill in the car park, I called Luke, who had both girls that day, told him the situation, and without a moment’s hesitation, he said that he would get everyone in the car, and drive the 15-20 minutes to me, to help. What an absolute hero.

He arrived, made sure I was ok, and got me in to his car to keep warm. Changed the tyre to the spare (which I have always WANTED to be able to do myself, but have just never tried, and did not think that during a sickness bug was the time to attempt it, in all honesty). He then drove my car to the next town, to get a new tyre, while I took the girls home in his car.

He looked after me all afternoon and I even managed a little nap in bed too. I don’t need Valentines Day to appreciate him. I appreciate him more than he will ever know. And it’s a good job, because we rarely get to celebrate it, working in hospitality. I’m ok with that. There are enough celebrations throughout the year, more meaningful ones where you are not comparing your experience to other peoples. We both made each other a card, with Aurora’s help. She also wanted to make one for Luna which is quite honestly the cutest thing in the world. And that was it, which was perfect.

Yesterday my sister-in-law, Emma, and I took our children to a Farm Park which is roughly halfway between Somerset and Hampshire. It was such a lovely day. Blue skies, fresh air, cute animals. I love watching Aurora and Ada’s cousin relationship blossom, as I have never had that. I have 4 cousins, who all live in Australia, 3 of which are over 10 years older than me. Two of them I have never met, and the other two I have only met once each. So, I’m excited to see their friendship grow as they get older, and for Luna to join that as well. Hopefully Emma’s oldest, George, will continue to tolerate them so they can all play together.

Then we have my brother Toby’s new baby daughter as well, I just LOVE the gang we are creating. What a tribe.

Highlights of the week –

Luna had her first (and second) go in a swing, and I have never witnessed anyone enjoy anything quite so much! Lots of photos and videos were taken.

My friend Hilary had her beautiful baby, another girl, and I cannot wait to meet her, and see them all, next week.

The girls and I had lunch at The Clockspire on Sunday with our friends, Luke’s best men, Tyler and Sam. Along with Sam’s girlfriend… Sam. It was lovely to catch up for the first time this year, especially as Tyler is now officially back in the UK – after 10 years in America.

Aurora holding my hand on the way back from the park as she had used up almost all her energy so was walking alongside me, for a change. I told her that holding her hand was my favourite. She told me that holding my hand was her favourite <3

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